Manuel Cifuentes Perez
Salvador Urbina Grower
Manuel Cifuentes Perez is one of 13 brothers and sisters from the Cifuentes family. It seems like everybody in Salvador Urbina is part of or related to this family, A joke in the community is that the name should be changed from Salvador Urbina to Salvador Cifuentes. Salvador Urbina was an early political figure who helped establish the community, but little else is known about him. Manuel and his wife, Olga Mendez, and their children all live in Salvador Urbina with the families of most of his brothers and sisters. In Salvador Urbina, it is as if the whole community raises the children, as most of the kids have beds and or places to stay at their cousins’ homes as well as their grandparents, and it is not unusual for children to rotate living between relatives for many different reasons.