Jorge and Ofelia
Jorge and Ofelia
Jorge and his wife, Ofelia, have 8 children; one is working abroad, and one is in the nation’s capital, Mexico City. The other 6 are still in Chiapas. Jorge is a kind and gentle man and also works at the Living Waters, Water Purification System that is in the Just Coffee Warehouse. The water plant provides free purified water to the poor, schools, churches and medical facility in Salvador Urbina. The charge for those who can afford it is equivalent to $0.25 for 5 gallons (it is free to those who can not afford it). In Tapachula the price is $1.25 for 5 gallons, plus transportation. The purified water plant is a blessing to the community and Jorge makes sure that the maintenance is done correctly and on time. Ofelia is very involved in the community in Salvador Urbina and is a Folk Dancer. Both Ofelia and Jorge have come to Agua Prieta to visit the roaster and make sure that everything is running well and that the coffee tastes as good in Sonora as it does in Chiapas!