Eri “Perico” Cifuentes
Salvador Urbina Grower
Eri is one of the founding directors of the cooperative in Salvador Urbina. Eri, or Perico as his friends call him, wears many hats in the cooperative. Along with Reynaldo and Eva he presides over the cooperative’s weekly meetings. Eri also coordinates the shipments of coffee from Salvador Urbina to Agua Prieta, makes sure everyone gets paid on time and handles the mountain of administrative and legal issues in Chiapas. Eri’s vast political connections in the PRI, (the biggest and oldest political party in Mexico) and his general good nature and willingness to help everyone make him a popular person around Salvador Urbina and Tapachula. Eri is a very knowledgeable grower and has years of experience in the coffee cultivation and commercialization part of the business. He works with the other Socios with the care and knowledge from years of coffee experience. Eri is married to Audelina and has 5 children from 13 to 28 years old.