A brief explanation of who is who at Café Justo with a photo, email and phone numbers. There is also contact info for some of the first supporters and promoters.
This is an excellent comparison between Just Coffee / Café Justo and store bought coffee. The comparison looks at several different characteristics of coffee including where it is grown, type, and location. This is a great way to point out the differences between Just Coffee and other less expensive coffees.
What Is Fair Trade?
This is a great explanation of regular, fair trade and Fair Trade Plus types of coffees. This two page document is well layed out and provides a good explanation of the difference between regular, fair trade and Fair Trade Plus coffee models. It covers certification, different types of certification and the differences. This is an excellent overview of Fair Trade as relates to coffee.
Organic Certification
This excellent document describes the process of organic certification. This informative piece also covers decaffienation processes and the difference between sun and shade grown coffee. As with many agricultural products, most are grown using agrochemicals and organic certified makes a big difference.
Getting Started
This two page document is a great aid full of ideas on how to get Café Justo / Just Coffee going at your church or organization. It covers many of the important differences between Jsut Coffee and other coffees and gives a glimpse into where the money goes when you purchase Just Coffee.
Grab your passport and come down to beautiful Douglas Arizona through Tombstone and Bisbee and visit Agua Prieta, Sonora. This one page flyer has instructions on how to get to Agua Prieta and how to set up a tour of the Café Justo roasting shop. It is only 2 hours from Tucson and the coffee is always hot and fresh!
This is a great intro to coffee one page flyer. It contains several interesting coffee facts and conversation starters. I will often cover the answers and give, “prizes worth up to dollars…” away. Look it over and see what you can learn.
This is a listing of four different “you- Tube,” videos about Cafe Justo. The videos are done by amatures who have visitied the coffee roasting shop and Chiapas. They give a great visual introduction to the coffee, growers and facilities.
This is a price list that has the suggested retail prices on it, suitable for framing! It also has a nice description of the different coffee types. There is also a blank price list so you can pencil in your own prices.